How to validate your business maturity and avoid messy execution
Pimento map is an online tool to evaluate the maturity of your Business Model
Every corporation and entrepreneur needs a tool to evaluate the chances of success of their business model turning ideas into actions
Seriously now, wouldn’t it be great to know how to be successful ?
Is this project a good idea for my company ? Do I have a powerful business model ? Is this a good startup to invest in ? These are some of the questions that always surface the world of seedling startups or innovation projects.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, an incubateur, a coach, a business innovation manager or even a board member, Pimento Map can be used to make an objective analysis of any business model.
Even if no one can predict the future, this method can at least let you take a peek between the shades
- Where is my project standing as of right now?
- Is my project relevant to go to market now?
- Clear visual of strengths and weaknesses of your business model
- Report to analyze your maturity score
Even if no one can predict the future, this method can at least let you take a peek between the shades
- How do I support my communities?
- How do I prepare my reporting?
- How to prepare the next coaching session?
- Use reports and dashboard to pilot your structure
Even if no one can predict the future, this method can at least let you take a peek between the shades
- How to be sure of the ROI of the project?
- How to protect my innovation by defining KPI’s?
- My team is international and not always physically together?
- Quick and easy access to all dashboards to analyze projects
What if you would have a map as a compass increasing your chance of success ?
Identifying clearly your situation will help you avoid project failure by taking the right steps.
What is the Pimento Map ?
Created by the Virtuology Academy team, based on in-depth research on hundreds of businesses, the Pimento Map methodology is having its place in all types of organizations dealing or managing innovation projects. It is a fast, easy and accurate way to evaluate the chances of success of a business model.
The benefits of Pimento Map
18 questions, 4 possible answers, giving some 72 potential scenarios to consider. A one in all tool to identify strengths, weaknesses or points of attention and validate the time-to-market readiness.
It is also a tool helping managers, coaches, mentors or community managers to take decisions, validating or not a project. It gives you clear indication on which actions should be prioritized and how to minimize risks.
Are you ready to do great things ? Check the maturity of your project now !
When to use the Pimento Map and how does it work ?
Explore the problem – Build the right thing – Assess your model – Go to the market
Explore the problem
Design Thinking
Build the right thing
Business Model Canvas
Assess your model
Pimento Map
Go to the market
Lean Startup & Agility
Innovation management made easy
Because the construction of innovation projects is a management act whether strategic or operational,
we are here to support you every step of the way.
In the blink of an eye, I can see the strengths & weaknesses
Super visual, once the map is filled it is easy to identify the point of improvement to consider.
I know which actions should be prioritized
With the Pimento methodology I understand in which context my project is evolving and what should be my next call to action.
My team, my mentor and I can all work simultaneously
100% digital, with shared options and different security level, everyone who is key to the project is able to participate.
I know how to to pilot and organize my follow up
With folders to organize the projects, it is easy to structure my mentorship and to measure my impact.
I have dashboards to analyze the projects of my clients
For everyone managing innovation, the tool gives access to 4 dashboards to easily summarize the progress of my different teams.
I am 100% independent to manage my organisation
It is an all-in-one tool very intuitive and automated. With different level of users, I have easily access to user and project management.
Workshops and trainings
Develop the skills, mindset, processes and action needed to impact and
drive successful innovation projects in your organization or for your clients’
- Adaptable to all types of organization (startup, scale-up or innovation team)
- Helping you to minimize risks and increase the chance of success
- Facilitate coaching and reporting
- Choice on a large scale of subject and tools
I want to understand everything about Pimento and its use for my project or idea
I have a good idea, project and team but I hesitate if I’m ready to go to the Market. I would like to meet with a coach, a mentor or my manager but it’s difficult to evaluate my idea?
Is this a good idea? Do I have a strong business model ? Where is my project standing as of right now ? These are questions that always surface in the world of seedling startups and innovation projects.
This workshop will give you all the tips and tricks to understand the Pimento methodology and apply it to your project. Very simple to use and with different approaches to acquire to allow an in-depth analysis.
I want to know everything about the Pimento Methodology to better coach my starters, customer or teams
Duration: 4 hours
Group size: 5-15
Audience: Coach, Mentor or Responsible for Innovation
Train the Trainer!
The tool has been designed to remain intuitif and immediate. In the blink of an eye, you will see the strengths and weaknesses of a project. However, how to understand the dynamic? How to direct effectively your customers? How to assess and accompany them in their projects ? And more importantly how to use it concretely in your follow-up ?
This workshop will help you get familiarized with the Pimento Map tool, understand the context and its environment.
You will know all the tips and tricks of the Pimento Map tool and will be able to accompany all your customers in their innovation projects with good support to pilot and organize their follow up.
The role of a coach or manager is crucial, and Pimento Map will help you to fulfill it but also to generate reports about the progress of the teams and projects you are mentoring
Understanding your Customer and understanding his pains turning them into business opportunities
Duration: 4 hours
Group size: 5-15
Audience: Project leaders and Entrepreneurs
Design thinking is certainly not death or outdated! It remains fundamental to succeed in your project. Service Design, Systemic Thinking and basic Design Thinking processes are helping any entrepreneur or intrapreneur to stay focused on the customer and his pains.
Never forget that over 41% of projects are failing because there was no market! Being Customer-centric starts at the origin of any project.
During the workshop we will train people on the design thinking principles and process.
Innovate throughout your Business Model reducing fixed costs and maximizing recurrent revenue streams
Duration: 4 hours
Group size: 5-15
Audience: Project leaders and Entrepreneurs
Innovation happens not only by creating new products or services. You can be disruptive by innovating throughout your business model.
Revisit the costing and revenues of existing organisations, and disrupt them. During the workshop we will revisit the 9 blocks of the business model canvas focusing on costing, revenues, pricing strategies and low-end innovation.
Growth-hacking and Scaling
Duration: 4 hours
Group size: 5-15
Audience: Project leaders and Entrepreneurs
During the starting phase of your project or company you are trying to validate your business hypothesis towards your potential customers.
If your solution is not adopted you might be forced to pivot or to abandon, but if your idea is adopted and validated, the next challenge will be to scale.
Growth-hacking will help you to turn your organisation into a growth-focus company.
Duration: 4 hours
Group size: 5-15
Audience: Project leaders and Entrepreneurs
Before turning your potential idea into a potential business, you shall evaluate some external factors which could help or destroy your success.
Pestle exercises, Tam-Sam-Som calculations, Blue Ocean benchmarks or the Porters Quadrant will be used during this workshop ensuring the attractiveness of the market.
I want to know more about the different funding methods
Duration: 4 hours
Group size: 5-15
Audience: Project leaders and Entrepreneurs
Get yourself prepared to meet professional investors !
How much shall I ask? How do I calculate my margin? When will I reach my break-even and how should I build a win-win contract with my investors?
Understanding the investment ecosystem is important but it is equally essential to also understand when talking to them depending on the market timing. Dealing in an Innovation phase, a Growth phase or a Maturing phase requires different types of Investors.
The workshop will provide answers to those questions and will explain how to get yourself connected with the investment ecosystem.
How to work efficiently on my network and on the competences or talent of my teams?
Duration: 4 hours
Group size: 5-15
Audience: Project leaders and Entrepreneurs
Close to 30% of the projects are failing due to the lack of competences or due the weak network of its founders.
When evaluating a project or startup, the crucial element of the quality of the team as we know it will be a challenging journey with many pivots, uncertainties and doubts.
Being talented and resilient will help the team to succeed!
How to attract talents and keep them in your organization? Equally important is the quality of your network as it will help you attract customers and partners.
Is it possible to build a strategy for the next 50 years?
Duration: 4 hours
Group size: 5-15
Audience: Project leaders and Entrepreneurs
Building an Innovation Portfolio is crucial to develop a long term strategy!
Define your Planets and Satellites, identify the Gravitation forces for your products and services and focus on your products, on your pricing or on your market shares depending on the phases of development.
Workshop in Lean Startup & Agility
Duration: 4 hours
Group size: 5-15
Audience: Project leaders and Entrepreneurs
Co-create your MVP with your customers, validate their pains or gains and discover more needs to be solved.
Project owners and entrepreneurs are always tempted to improve their idea based on their intuition and knowledge whilst the answer is in the market.
Build your MVP, get connected with your Customers and develop successful customer-centric products and services.
I want to work on my Persuasion and Presentation Skills to Win Business
Duration: 4 hours
Group size: 5-15
Audience: Project leaders and Entrepreneurs
Pitching, presenting and convincing are some soft-skills that many people are missing. You can have the best idea in the world, if you cannot convince in less than 10 minutes, you will never succeed.
Join our workshop to get some tips, tricks and advices. But overall practice and improve your skills!
Why our customers love us
‘Learn by Doing’, this is our motto.
We want you to get engaged, to dig deep and to learn with the issues which are relevant to you.
Because for us, the center of all transformations we do is you!
Our Plans
Pimento Map is a tool having its place in all types of organizations dealing or managing innovation projects. As we know each type of organization is facing different problems, we offer you two versions of the Pimento Map tool to accompany you doing innovation wonders.
- 1 User
- 1 Map
- Score + Report (read view only)
- Unlimited Folders
- Notes
- Dashboard
- User management
- Customer branded
- Unlimited Users
- Unlimited Maps
- Score + Report (downloadable)
- Unlimited Folders
- Notes
- Dashboard
- User Management
- Customer branded
Ready to scale up your business now?
We are here to help ! Let’s talk about you and your project,
contact us via this form, one of our expert will be in touch very quickly.